
Friday 9 January 2015

52 Week Challenge - Week 1

Packing up the Christmas Tree

While putting up the Christmas Tree can be full of Fun and Excitement - especially for the Little ones, packing the Christmas Tree away is not quite so inticing! But it is a New Year and these things must be done! Here are some eco friendly ways to store your Decorations....

Use egg or fruit cartons to store your Baubles

Christmas Biscuit Tins are great for storing a range of different size decorations, just cut out cardboard to separate them into spaces

Wrap your Christmas Lights around a piece of cardboard to stop them from getting tangled - no-body wants to be untangling Christmas lights when little ones are chomping at the bit to get the rest of the Decorations on the tree come next year!

We store our Christmas tree and Decorations in a Large Storage box to help keep it clean/dry and free from mould and bugs.

Visit my pinterest page for more storage Ideas!

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