Plastics Cupboard
This has been a long running problem in the house and I have finally managed to work out how to combat the plastics war!!
This is the current situation
It's a bit of a Disaster Zone, the main reason being it is a corner cupboard and down low, so when the dishes are being put away it's more an open the door and chuck it in kind of task! So it's time to have a bit of a change around in the kitchen, it's great to re-evaluate uses for different spaces in the kitchen, placing things in Cupboards that are relative to the tasks you do on the above bench space is a great place to start.
First thing first is to empty out the Cupboard and put everything on the bench. Give the cupboard a good clean and dry it off with a dry cloth.
Start by sorting out the small things, lids, baking bits and pieces, little containers, random pieces of who knows what. Cookie cutters and icing bag pieces are compiled into one container, anything that is missing a lid, or any extra lids are placed together in another container.
Any recyclables that have made their way into the cupboard are cleared into the recycling bin, out the door they go! I really must have a word to hubby about cutting down on buying bottled water!
After all of the clearing and sorting I now have a new home for my plastics. I have chosen to put them in a tall cupboard with plenty of shelves. Lunch containers on one shelf, food storage and baking on the others. The ones I use most commonly are at eye level and the cupboard is placed between the oven and panty/fridge which is perfect when it comes to popping leftovers in containers, packing lunches/snacks, bake ware for the oven.
Drink bottles/ milkshake cups now have a home all of their own closer to the sink and blender.
Re-organizing your kitchen is all about relativity, have things in close proximity to what they are used for, saves running aimlessly from one side of the kitchen to the other and forgetting what you are looking for by the time you get there :) I would love to hear your tips and tricks for keeping plastics in check!
In the next Task I'm finding a spot for my dinner plates and Serveware!