
Tuesday, 31 March 2015

52 Week Challenge - Week 10

Coat Hanger Challenge

It's that time of year again, the changing of the seasons, scrambling around in the closet to find something much warmer with that sudden chill that has appeared out of no-where!
This week I am having a good clear-out of my clothes, and i'm finally giving up those items that are out-dated or I simply have not worn for the last few years!

One of the most effective ways to determine which clothes to keep and which clothes need to go is the coat hanger method. Place all of your clothing on coat hangers and place the coat hangers on the rack backwards.

Once you have worn an Item you put it back in facing the right way. By the end of winter you will be able to see what you have worn and perhaps be able to determine the things you really should be letting go of.

Here are a few reasons we hold onto clothes
-We believe that one day we will fit them again ( how many years have you been making that promise) let them go, if you are determined to loose or gain weight then do it, but get rid of the past and buy something new when you reach your goals!
- We have an emotional attachment to them ( if you don't wear it then don't keep it ) if it is hugely sentimental then store it away in a safe place
- It was so expensive you just can't bare to part with it ( if you don't wear it then don't keep it ), organize a clothes swap with a group of friends - you might find something you will actually wear and your item will find a new owner!!

It can be hard not to fill our lives and our homes with things that remind us of something or someone, but there does come a point when we need to let go of the past and move on, let life be new again!


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