
Saturday 28 March 2015

52 Week Challenge Week 8

Finding a Place for the Keys

How many times have you spent hours searching around the house, in the car, in your bottomless handbag for your keys? Too many to count? The simple solution is to find a space or a hook that they go on every time you walk in the door :) My front door storage is currently all about having shoes by the door, and no hooks of any kind for hanging things on so I set about changing it

Current Dilemma
And now we have this extra awesome little space!

A place to hang the keys - and the bags and the all important shoes! This was made by my hubby a few months ago and had been hanging out by the back door which we hardly use, it's great to have found it a new home and hopefully now the keys will always have a place to hang!

If you are looking for some DIY keyhook ideas head over to my pinterest page and be inspired!


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